Statement on glibc/iconv Vulnerability – PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

EDIT 2024-04-25: Clarified when a PHP application is vulnerable to this bug.Recently, a bug in glibc version 2.39 and older (CVE-2024-2961) was uncovered where a buffer overflow in character set conversions to the ISO-2022-CN-EXT character set can result in remote code execution. This specific buffer overflow in glibc is exploitable through PHP, which exposes the iconv functionality of glibc to do character set conversions via the iconv extension. Although the bug is exploitable in the context of the PHP Engine, the bug is not in PHP. It is also not directly exploitable remotely. The bug is exploitable, if and only if, the PHP application calls iconv functions or filters with user-supplied character sets. Applications are not vulnerable if: Glibc security updates from the distribution have been installedOr the iconv extension is not loadedOr the vulnerable character set has been removed from gconv-modules-extra.confOr the application passes only specifically allowed character sets to iconv. Moreover, when using a user-supplied character set, it is good practice for applications to accept only specific charsets that have been explicitly allowed by the application. One example of how this can be done is by using an allow-list and the array_search() function to check the encoding before passing it to iconv. For example: array_search($charset, $allowed_list, true) There are numerous reports online with titles like “Mitigating the iconv Vulnerability for PHP (CVE-2024-2961)” or “PHP Under Attack”. These titles are misleading as this is not a bug in PHP itself. If your PHP application is vulnerable, we first recommend to check if your Linux distribution has already published patched variants of glibc. Debian, CentOS, and others, have already done so, and please upgrade as soon as possible. Once an update is available in glibc, updating that package on your Linux machine will be enough to alleviate the issue. You do not need to update PHP, as glibc is a dynamically linked library. If your Linux distribution has not published a patched version of glibc, there is no fix for this issue. However, there exists a workaround described in GLIBC Vulnerability on Servers Serving PHP which explains a way on how to remove the problematic character set from glibc. Perform this procedure for every gconv-modules-extra.conf file that is available on your system.Once an update is available in glibc, updating that package on your Linux machine will be enough to alleviate the issue. You do not need to update PHP, as glibc is a dynamically linked library.PHP users on Windows are not affected.There will therefore also not be a new version of PHP for this vulnerability.

Moving on from Mocha, Chai and nyc. – Evert Pot

I’m a maintainer of several small open-source libraries. It’s a fun activity.
If the scope of the library is small enough, the maintenance burden is
typically fairly low. They’re usually mostly ‘done’, and I occasionally just need to
answer a few questions per year, and do the occasional release to bring it
back up to the current ‘meta’ of the ecosystem.

Also even though it’s ‘done’, in use by a bunch of people and well tested,
it’s also good to do a release from time to time to not give the impression
of abandonment.

This weekend I released a 2.0 version of my bigint-money library, which
is a fast library for currency math.

I originally wrote this in 2018, so the big BC break was switching everything
over to ESM. For a while I tried to support both CommonJS and ESM
builds for my packages, but only a year after all that effort it frankly no
longer feels needed. I was worried the ecosystem was going to
split, but people stuck on (unsupported) versions of Node that don’t
support ESM aren’t going to proactively keep their other dependencies updated,
so CommonJS is for (and many others) in the past now. (yay!)

Probably the single best way to keep maintenance burden for packages low is
to have few dependencies. Many of my packages have 0 dependencies.

Reducing devDependencies also helps. If you didn’t know, node now has a
built-in testrunner. I’ve been using Mocha + Chai for many many
years. They were awesome and want to thank the maintainers, but node --test
is pretty good now and has pretty output.

It also:

  • Is much faster (about twice as fast with Typescript and code coverage
    reporting, but I suspect the difference will grow with larger code bases).
  • Easier to configure (especially when you’re also using Typescript. Just use tsx --test).
  • It can output test coverage with (--experimental-test-coverage).

Furthermore, while node:assert doesn’t have all features of Chai, it has
the important ones (deep compare) and adds better Promise support.

All in all this reduced my node_modules directory from a surprising 159M
to 97M, most of which is now Typescript and ESLint, and my total dependency
count from 335 to 141 (almost all of which is ESLint).

Make sure that Node’s test library, coverage and assertion library is right
for you. It may not have all the features you expect, but I keep my testing
setup relatively simple, so the switch was easy.

Check licenses of composer dependencies – Rob Allen

With some commercial projects, it can be useful to know that all your dependencies have licences that your organisation deems acceptable.

I had this requirement for a few clients now and came up with this script that we ran as part of our CI which would then fail if a dependency used a license that wasn’t allowed.

This proved to be reasonably easy as composer licenses will provide a list of all packages with their license, and more usefully, the -f json switch will output the list as JSON. With a machine-readable format, the script just came together!

At some point, we discovered that we needed to allow exceptions for specifically authorised packages, so I added that and haven’t changed it since.


<?php $allowedLicenses = ['Apache-2.0', 'BSD-2-Clause', 'BSD-3-Clause', 'ISC', 'MIT', 'MPL-2.0', 'OSL-3.0'];
$allowedExceptions = [ 'some-provider/some-provider-php', // Proprietary license used by SMS provider
]; $licences = shell_exec('composer licenses -f json');
if ($licences === null || $licences === false) { echo "Failed to retrieve licenses\n"; exit(1);
} try { $data = json_decode($licences, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
} catch (JsonException $e) { echo "Failed to decode licenses JSON: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit(1);
} // Filter out all dependencies that have an allowed license or exception
$disallowed = array_filter( $data['dependencies'], fn(array $info, $name) => ! in_array($name, $allowedExceptions) && count(array_diff($info['license'], $allowedLicenses)) === 1, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH
if (count($disallowed)) { $disallowedList = array_map( fn(string $k, array $info) => sprintf("$k (%s)", implode(',', $info['license'])), array_keys($disallowed), $disallowed ); printf("Disallowed licenses found in PHP dependencies: %s\n", implode(', ', $disallowedList)); exit(1);
} exit(0);

Running check-licenses.php

If all dependencies are allowed, then check-licenses will output nothing and exit with status code 0:

$ php bin/check-licenses.php
$ echo $?

If at least one dependency is not allowed, then check-licenses will list the packages that have licenses that ar not allowed and exit with status code 1:

$ php bin/check-licenses.php
Disallowed licenses found in PHP dependencies: foo/bar (GPL-3.0)
$ echo $?

Maybe it’s useful to others too. If you use it, put it in your CI system.

Creating JWKS.json file in PHP – Rob Allen

In order to verify a JWT created with an asymmetric key, the verifier needs to get the correct public key. One way to do is described in RFC7517 which describes the JSON Web Key format.

Within the header of the JWT there is a kid property which is the key ID which is then used to find the correct key within a list provided at the /.well-known/jwks.json endpoint.

The JWT header therefore looks something like this:

{ "alg" : "RS256", "kid" : "6eaf334518784ff392c3123b41ae49f5", "typ" : "JWT"

And the jwks.json is structured something like this:

{ "keys": [ { "alg": "RS256", "kty": "RSA", "use": "sig", "kid": "6eaf334518784ff392c3123b41ae49f5", "n": "sj6R1AYPKISqYKFxmQMMFJSm583Jfn6ef51SpQPCe17SM10Ljp2YIte924U ...", "e": "AQAB" } ]

This is an interesting format as it doesn’t use the standard PEM format for the key, but rather stores it as a modulus (“n”) and exponent (“e”) as per RFC 7518 section 6.3: “n” (Modulus) Parameter
The “n” (modulus) parameter contains the modulus value for the RSA
public key. It is represented as a Base64urlUInt-encoded value.
Note that implementers have found that some cryptographic libraries
prefix an extra zero-valued octet to the modulus representations they
return, for instance, returning 257 octets for a 2048-bit key, rather
than 256. Implementations using such libraries will need to take
care to omit the extra octet from the base64url-encoded
representation. “e” (Exponent) Parameter
The “e” (exponent) parameter contains the exponent value for the RSA
public key. It is represented as a Base64urlUInt-encoded value.

Fortunately, we can use openssl to sort this all out for us:

// $keyString is a PEM encoded public key
$key = openssl_get_publickey($keyString);
$details = openssl_pkey_get_details($key);

Assuming $key is an instance of OpenSSLAsymmetricKey and $details is an array, then:

$modulus = $details['rsa']['n'];
$exponent = $details['rsa']['e'];

Putting this into a PSR-15 request handler that is passed an array of public keys, we can put together a jwks.json response:

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Handler; use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Webmozart\Assert\Assert; class JwksHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
{ /** * @param string[] $publicKeys */ public function __construct(private readonly array $publicKeys) { } public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $keys = []; foreach ($this->publicKeys as $keyString) { $key = openssl_get_publickey($keyString); Assert::isInstanceOf(\OpenSSLAsymmetricKey::class, 'Public key is not valid.'); $details = openssl_pkey_get_details($key); Assert::isArray($details, 'Public key details are not valid.'); $keys[] = [ 'kty' => 'RSA', 'alg' => 'RS256', 'use' => 'sig', 'kid' => sha1($keyString), 'n' => strtr(rtrim(base64_encode($details['rsa']['n']), '='), '+/', '-_'), 'e' => strtr(rtrim(base64_encode($details['rsa']['e']), '='), '+/', '-_'), ]; } return new JsonResponse(['keys' => $keys]); }

Note that we remove the base64 padding (= at the end) and also use the Base64Url modification where “+” is replaced with “-” and “/” with “_“.

The other properties in the JSON object are:

  • kty: Key Type – the cryptographic algorithm family used with the key
  • alg: Algorithm – the specific cryptographic algorithm used.
  • use: Use – the intended use of the public key. “sig” for signature, “enc” for encryption.
  • kid: Key ID – used to match a specific key

The verifier reads the jwks.json file and iterates over the list to find the one that matches the kid in the JWT header that they are trying to verify. When they find it, the can then convert the modulus exponent back into a public key and verify the JWT as per usual.

A quick guide to JWTs in PHP – Rob Allen

The most common use of JWTs is as an authentication token, usually within an OAuth2 workflow. Creating these tokens is part and parcel of the authentication library that you use.

I recently had a requirement to use a JWT independent of authentication and these are some notes on what I learned when researching with Lcobucci\JWT.

Make up of a JWT

To really understand JWTs, read RFC7519. For a more readable introduction, read the one on

Also, JWT is pronounced “jot“.

The most important thing about a JWT is that it contains data and a signature. The signature allows you to verify that the JWT’s data hasn’t been tampered with. This works because the signature is signed with a secret. This can be a shared secret (a symmetrical algorithm) or a public/private key pair (asymmetric algorithm).

In my case, I’m only interested in signing a JWT using a public/private key as my client cannot securely hold a shared secret.

Creating a public/private key

OpenSSL is your friend here. Create a keys directory and then use the command line.

To create a private key:

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out keys/private.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

To create the public key from the private key:

openssl rsa -pubout -in keys/private.key -out keys/public.key

You will now have two files in the keys directory: private.key and public.key. Keep private.key safe and make public.key available to your clients.

Creating a token

Using Lcobucci\JWT, we create a Configuration:

use Lcobucci\JWT\Configuration;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Rsa\Sha256;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory; $configuration = Configuration::forAsymmetricSigner( new Sha256(), InMemory::file(__DIR__ . '/keys/private.key'), InMemory::file(__DIR__ . '/keys/public.key')

From our configuration, we can obtain a builder and specify our token:

$keyId = '40597EB1-5E20-49B5-BDDF-B24D1B3B05B5';
$subject = '851828E8-C376-4026-9FD8-D2CCE406CD1C';
$now = new \DateTimeImmutable(); $builder = $configuration->builder() ->identifiedBy($keyId) ->relatedTo($subject) ->issuedBy('') ->issuedAt($now) ->expiresAt($now->modify('+2 weeks')) ->withClaim('foo', 'bar');

The data elements in a JWT are called claims. There are a number of registered claims that are not mandatory, but you should set if they are relevant as all clients will recognise them and their purpose. In particular JWT ID, issuer, subject, issued at and expiration time are particularly useful. There are also a set of public claims that provide a standardised set of key names for common information which help avoid clashes.

Then there is the data specific to your application which are known as private claims. These can be whatever you like and in the example above, we have created a claim called “foo”.

Finally we create the token itself:

$token = $builder->getToken($configuration->signer(), $configuration->signingKey());
$tokenString = $token->toString();

We can then send the token string in response to an API request, etc.

Validating a token

When we receive a token, we need to validate it. This means that we check that it hasn’t been tampered with and we can also check that the data within it is as expected.

Firstly, we parse the token string back into a token object:

use Lcobucci\Clock\SystemClock;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Encoding\JoseEncoder;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Rsa\Sha256;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Token\Parser; $parser = new Parser(new JoseEncoder());
$token = $parser->parse($tokenString);

To validate it, we need a validator and a set of constraints that the validator will test the token for:

$validator = new Validator(); $clock = new SystemClock();
$constraints = [ new SignedWith(new Sha256(), InMemory::file(__DIR__ . '/keys/public.key')), new LooseValidAt($clock), new IssuedBy(''),

The three constraints here check that the JWT:

  • has been signed with the private key (by using the public key to verify)
  • is current and has not expired
  • was issued by the expected issuer

There are other constraints too – check the docs.

Note that the time based constraints use the PSR-20:Clock interface, so we use the original (another 719 bytes)

python-oracledb 2.1 and node-oracledb 6.4 have been released – Christopher Jones

I’m still on a long sabbatical so this will be a brief post. In my absence our Oracle Database driver team has been busy and are proud to announce that python-oracledb 2.1 and node-oracledb 6.4 have been released. Also our C Oracle Database Programming Interface for Drivers and Applications ODPI-C 5.2 is available from GitHub.

Photo by Jingda Chen on Unsplash

You can read about node-oracledb 6.4 for Node.js in Sharad Chandran’s post Node-oracledb 6.4 offers improved LOB and OSON support.

ODPI-C 5.2 release notes are here.

To see what’s new in the python-oracledb 2.1 release for Python, review the release notes and check out the considerable number of enhancements and fixes. Some highlights are:

  • asyncio support is out of pre-release status.
  • Some of the great behind-the-scenes work to reduce connection establishment timea for Oracle Database can now be used in the python-oracledb’s default Thin mode. (Thick mode will automatically get these benefits when compatible Instant Clients or Oracle Client libraries are used). In addition to the benefits for all Oracle Database 23c users, there is a new, extra option to use “TCP fast open” support when connecting to Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless (ADB-S).
  • Ongoing work exposes more of Oracle Database’s advanced JSON support, in particular to let you take advantage of Oracle’s efficient internal storage format (“OSON”) with its extended data types.

Installing or Upgrading python-oracledb

You can install or upgrade python-oracledb by running:

python -m pip install oracledb --upgrade

The pip options–proxy and –user may be useful in some environments. See python-oracledb Installation for details.

python-oracledb References

Home page:

Installation instructions:


Release Notes:



Source Code Repository: