PHP Internals News: Episode 60: OpenSSL CMS Support – Derick Rethans

PHP Internals News: Episode 60: OpenSSL CMS Support

In this episode of “PHP Internals News” I chat with Eliot Lear (Twitter, GitHub, Website) about OpenSSL CMS support, which he has contributed to PHP.

The RSS feed for this podcast is, you can download this episode’s MP3 file, and it’s available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website:


Derick Rethans 0:16

Hi, I’m Derick, and this is PHP internals news, a weekly podcast dedicated to demystifying the development of the PHP language. This is Episode 60. Today I’m talking with Eliot Lear about adding OpenSSL CMS supports to PHP. Hello Eliot, would you please introduce yourself.

Eliot Lear 0:34

Hi Derick, it’s great to be here. My name is Eliot Lear, I’m a principal engineer for Cisco Systems working on IoT security.

Derick Rethans 0:41

I saw somewhere on the internet, Wikipedia I believe that he also did some RFCs, not PHP RFC, but internet RFCs.

Eliot Lear 0:49

That’s correct. I have a few out there I’m a jack of all trades But Master of None.

Derick Rethans 0:53

The one that piqued my interest was the one for the timezone database, because I added timezone support to PHP a long long time ago.

Eliot Lear 1:01

That’s right, there’s a whole funny story about that RFC, we will have to save it for another time but there are a lot of heroes out there in the volunteer world, who keep that database up to date, and currently the they’re corralled and coordinated by a lovely gentleman by the name of Paul Eggert and if you’re not a member of that community it’s really a wonderful contribution to make, and they need people all around the world to send an information but I guess that’s not why we’re here today.

Derick Rethans 1:29

But I’m happy to chat about that at some other point in the future. Now today we’re talking about CMS support in OpenSSL and the first time I saw CMS. I don’t think that means content management system here.

Eliot Lear 1:41

No, it stands for cryptographic message syntax, and it is the follow on to earlier work which people will know as PKCS#7. So it’s a way in which one can transmit and receive encrypted information or just signed information.

Derick Rethans 1:58

How does CMS, and PKCS#7 differ from each other.

Eliot Lear 2:03

Actually not too many differences, the externally the envelope or the structure of the message is slightly better formed, and the people who worked on that at the Internet Engineering Task Force were essentially just making incremental improvements to make sure that there was good interoperability, good for email support and encrypted email, and signed email, and for other purposes as well. So it’s very relatively modest but important improvements, from PKCS#7.

Derick Rethans 2:39

How old are these two standards?

Eliot Lear 2:42

Goodness. PKCS#7, I’m not sure actually of how old the PKCS#7 is, but CMS dates back. Gosh, probably a decade or so I’d have to go look. I’m sorry if I don’t have the answer to that one,

Derick Rethans 2:56

A ballpark figure works fine for me. Why would you want to use CMS over the older PKCS#7?

Eliot Lear

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Understanding what is wrong with meritocracy (part two) – Lukas Smith

Wow, quite a long time since I last wrote a blog post, which clearly hinted towards at least a part two one day. I recently started blogging elsewhere (more on that below) and kinda forgot about my old blog. Lately I have been getting spam on it though, which reminded me of this old post. So here comes part two. I should add that it didn?t really take me 5 years to mature my thoughts on this topic, it just ended up that I communicated those thoughts in other places.

That being said, one of the first learnings as I dove into this topic was that that step one was listening and learning. Basically I started expanding my twitter timeline to include more people specifically tweeting about the issues of diversity and inclusion. But also simply following more people with marginalized communities talking about tech.

I paid attention to the dynamics in discussions. But one of the most clear ways I finally realized and fully accepted that meritocracy is a myth came with this github study that showed that while acceptance rates of PRs from women were well below those of men, the acceptance rate of PRs from women that hid their gender even slightly outpaced those of men.

Due to this reality and the constant pins and needles on top of deliberate harassment, where keeping people from marginalized communities away and pushing those that made it out. We keep hearing about some pipeline problem but the real issue is that people from marginalized communities just see no point in staying. But obviously this is not the root cause. Just going from my personal experience at Liip, I can name more female developers that left IT than male, despite us having way more male developers. The good news here, better diversity is entirely possible in tech if we actually work hard on inclusion. This is why people say ?diversity means nothing without inclusion?.

So with those realizations, I came across a tweet in the spring of 2017 by Erin pointing out the issues with an all white men speaker line up for a SymfonyLive event in the US. I first started rattling off excuses (note sure if just in my head or also in tweets), but eventually this finally gave me the kick I needed to become active. So I started reading more blog posts on the topic. Thanks to Liip?s education budget for all its employees, I ended up hiring Sage Sharp to help me figure out the next steps Symfony should be taken and what pitfalls to avoid that could cause further harm.

I was very happy to find that the Symfony core team was very receptive to this topic. Later that year we formally launched the diversity initiative. More importantly the community, aside from a few voices, was supportive as well and willing to learn and welcome change. We focused on several topics, like improving the language in our docs and on the website. We worked on guides for how to give and receive feedback in issues and PRs but more importantly we also worked on making those a lived reality. Quickly contributors started approaching the diversity initiative for support when they encountered situations where they felt overwhelmed. This helped deescalate a lot of situations but also helped train many contributors.

We also implemented a diversity scholarship to allow people from marginalized communities, that could otherwise not attend, to come and join us at SymfonyCon. One of the biggest successes was the adoption of a code of conduct, which lays the groundwork for safety as we hope to grow our diversity. More importantly, we worked in defining reporting processes and get the CARE (Code of Conduct Active Response Ensurers) trained by Sage Sharp so that they are prepared properly to enforce the code of conduct and sure reporters are properly protected and supported. Overall from the feedback I have seen we have made significant strides in improving our communication and openness. You can read more about this on the Symfony blog.

That being said, all of this hasn?t fixed our demographic issues within the Symfony community. There are still only men on the core team. While there are more visible figures within the Symfony community with a diverse background, we are still miles away from even just reaching the demographic representation of the proprietary software world, let alone the world in general. This is a long long

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Guide to PHP 7.1

PHP 7.1 was an incremental feature release, offering new language constructs, significant performance improvements, and lower resource utilization, making it a natural choice for fast-paced business-critical applications.

In this article, we look at PHP 7.1 features, performance comparisons, end of life, and why the PHP 7.1 release marked such a big change for PHP.

PHP Internals News: Episode 59: Named Arguments – Derick Rethans

PHP Internals News: Episode 59: Named Arguments

In this episode of “PHP Internals News” I chat with Nikita Popov (Twitter, GitHub, Website) about his Named Parameter RFC.

The RSS feed for this podcast is, you can download this episode’s MP3 file, and it’s available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website:


Derick Rethans 0:18

Hi, I’m Derick, and this is PHP internals news, a weekly podcast dedicated to demystifying the development of the PHP language. This is Episode 59. Today I’m talking with Nikita Popov about a few RFCs that he’s produced. Hello Nikita, how are you this morning?

Nikita Popov 0:35

Hey Derick, I’m great. How are you?

Derick Rethans 0:38

Not too bad, not too bad today. I think I made a decision to stop asking you to introduce yourself because we’ve done this so many times now. We have quite a few things to go through today. So let’s start with the bigger one, which is the named arguments RFC. We have in PHP eight already seen quite a few changes to how PHP deals with set up and things like that we have had an argument promotion in constructors, we have the mixed type, we have union types, and now named arguments, I suppose built on top of that, again, so what are named arguments?

Nikita Popov 1:07

Currently, if you’re calling a function or a method you have to pass the arguments in a certain order. So in the same order in which they were declared in the function, or method declaration. And what named arguments or parameters allows you to do is to instead specify the argument names, when doing the call. Just taking the first example from the RFC, we have the array_fill function, and the array_fill function accepts three arguments. So you can call like array_fill( 0, 100, 50 ). Now, like what what does that actually mean? This function signature is not really great because you can’t really tell what the meaning of this parameter is and, in which order you should be passing them. So with named parameters, the same call would be is something like: array_fill, where the start index is zero, the number is 100, and the value is 50. And that should immediately make this call, like much more understandable, because you know what the arguments mean. And this is really one of the main like motivations or benefits of having named parameters.

Derick Rethans 2:20

Of course developers that use an IDE already have this information available through an IDE. But of course named arguments will also start working for people that don’t have, or don’t want to use an IDE at that moment.

Nikita Popov 2:31

At least in PhpStorm, there is a feature where you can enable these argument labels for constants typically only. This would basically move this particular information into the language, but I should say that of course this is not the only advantage of having named parameters. So making code more self documenting is one aspect, but there are a couple couple more of them. I think one important one is that you can skip default values. So if you have a function that has many optional arguments, and you only want to say change the last one, then right now you actually have to pass all the arguments before the last one as well and you have to know: Well, what is the correct default value to pass there, even though you don’t really care about it.

Derick Rethans 3:19

If I remember correctly, there are a few functions in PHP’s standard library, where you cannot actually replicate the default value with specifying an argument value, because they have this really complex and weird kind

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