Laravel: Marking notification e-mails as automatically submitted – Christian Weiske

Process mails from web applications like e-mail address verification and password reset mails should be tagged as “automatically submitted” so that mail servers do not respond with “Out of office” or vacation notification mails.

The official standard for that is RFC 3834: Recommendations for Automatic Responses to Electronic Mail, which defines an e-mail header Auto-Submitted: auto-generated for our use case.

Laravel notifications

E-mails automatically built from Laravel notifications can be modified to contain that header: Inside the toMail() method, register a modification callback for the MailMessage class:

namespace App\Notifications; class ResetPassword extends \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification
{ /** * Build the mail representation of the notification. * * @param mixed $notifiable * @return MailMessage */ public function toMail($notifiable) { return (new \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage) ->withSwiftMessage([$this, 'addCustomHeaders']) ->subject(_('Reset your password')); } /** * Add our own headers to the e-mail */ public function addCustomHeaders(\Swift_Message $message) { $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('Auto-Submitted', 'auto-generated'); }

PHP Internals News: Episode 83: Deprecate implicit non-integer-compatible float to int conversions – Derick Rethans

PHP Internals News: Episode 83: Deprecate implicit non-integer-compatible float to int conversions

In this episode of “PHP Internals News” I talk with George Peter Banyard (Website, Twitter, GitHub, GitLab) about the “Deprecate implicit non-integer-compatible float to int conversions” RFC that he has proposed.

The RSS feed for this podcast is, you can download this episode’s MP3 file, and it’s available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website:


Derick Rethans 0:14

Hi, I’m Derick. Welcome to PHP internals news, a podcast dedicated to explaining the latest developments in the PHP language. This is episode 83. Today I’m talking with George Peter Banyard, about another tidying up RFC, George, would you please introduce yourself?

George Peter Banyard 0:31

Hello, my name is George and I work on PHP in my free time.

Derick Rethans 0:35

Excellent. I was just talking to Larry Garfield, and he was wondering whether you or himself, are the second often guests on this podcast, but I haven’t run a stats. But it’s good to have you on again. Following on for from other numeric RFCs, so to speak. This one is titled deprecate implicit non integer compatible floats to int conversions. That is a lovely small title you have come up with.

George Peter Banyard 1:01

Yeah, not the best title.

Derick Rethans 1:03

What is the problem that this RFC is trying to solve, or rather, what’s the change that is in this RFC is trying to solve?

George Peter Banyard 1:11

Currently in PHP, which is a dynamic language, types are not known at the statically at compile time, so it’s so everything’s mostly runtime. And most type conversions are relatively sane now in PHP 8, because like numeric strings have been kind of fixed. But one last standing issue is that floats will pass an integer check, without any notices or warnings. Although floats, don’t usually fit in integer will have like extra data which can’t be represented as an integer. For example, they can have a fractional part, or they can be infinity, or not a number if you divide, like infinity by infinity, or 0 over 0 or other things like that.

Derick Rethans 1:55

These are specific features of floating point numbers on computers?

George Peter Banyard 1:59


Derick Rethans 2:00

Is there any prior work that is RFC is building on top of

George Peter Banyard 2:03

It builds up on top on the saner numeric string RFC, because it tries to like make the whole numericness of PHP, as a concept better and like less error prone, but in essence it’s mostly self contained. If you use a floating point number, were you should be using an integer. If the floating point number, is considered an integer because it only has like decimal zeros, and it fits in the integer range, then you’ll have like no error. So if you use 15.0 as an array key, it gets converted to 15, you’ll get don’t get any error because it’s like well it’s just 15 like it doesn’t mind. But if you do 15.5, then you’ll get like a, like a deprecation notice which will tell you it’s like, well, here’s the key gets implicitly converted, you should be aware of this because if you use 15 somewhere else, you’d be overriding the value.

Derick Rethans 2:54

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Inside our onboarding program or how we welcome new Liipers – Liip

Starting at a new company is a huge challenge. We feel you – been there, done that! 😉 That is why we have an onboarding program in place, which makes you feel part of the Liip family from day 1, hopefully. Your recruitment process was a success, let’s make your onboarding great too. So let’s jump right in!

Meet your onboarding buddy

Céline, Hendrik, Janina, Stefan… these are four of the almost twenty onboarding buddies at Liip spread over all the six locations. And you will get a buddy too! Your onboarding buddy is your go-to person, your sparring partner for social and cultural aspects at Liip.

They are usually based in the office you are joining, while not part of your work team. Additionally, you get a work buddy for work-related topics who tell you all about the projects you will work on. Responsibility and autonomy are key at Liip. We will support you to find your way and embrace our values.

Your buddies will guide you through the onboarding program. Providing you with an overview of the company, our processes and tools. Together, you will define your trial period goals and regularly meet to reflect and share impressions and feedback.

Last but not least, social gatherings! They are part of the #liipway, and your onboarding buddy aims for making you feel welcome at the (online) apéro, game session or yoga class – if you wish to take part. We are striving for a successful and pleasant integration to Liip for you.

At the end of your three-month trial period, you will be invited to the so-called “trial period meeting”. This is a dedicated time to identify what has been moving you forward, what has been holding you back and what opportunities and challenges might arise. You will self-reflect and get feedback from peers as well as your onboarding buddy. In other words, this is our ritual to finalize the onboarding process and confirm your hiring.

Go with the flow

Everything is organized so that you can “just” surf the wave. Technically speaking, you will get what you need to work, such as a brand-new laptop, an ergonomic desk and chair, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, etc. All of it is organized on-site or sent to your place (maybe not the desk nor the chair 😉 ) in case you start your onboarding program remotely.

Thanks to a clear and easy to follow checklist (aka your onboarding kanban board), you have an overview of your progress within the onboarding program at any time. Where to get support, how to contribute to the external communication of Liip, how our salary system works, and so much more will be taught to you.

Trainings are part of the program too. Holacracy, Agility and Feedback trainings are on the menu. And you will learn more about your personal education budget.

Take part in the #liipway

All you need is curiosity and enthusiasm. Let yourself be guided, and enjoy the ride! We can only advise you to participate in social and health activities to get a taste of the #liipway, either on-site (as soon as this will be possible again) or online like coffee breaks, game sessions, yoga or boot camp courses, …and apéros! Our tool meet-a-liiper-with-donut makes meeting new work colleagues from all over Liip, even during remote times, a walk in the park.

Don’t be shy and dare to ask questions (all of them!). How you experience the onboarding program has the utmost importance to us. Please give us your honest feedback, so that we keep on improving it.

PHP 8.1: `never` Return Type is Dangerous – Sergey Mitroshin

There are many features already introduced in PHP 8.1, and among them the new never return type:

function doSomething(): never { // do something die();

The idea is pretty straightforward: if the execution flow is never supposed to leave the function, it should be marked as never. If the execution flow somehow reaches the end of the function, PHP will throw an error.

Although it seems to me like a good idea, there’s a hidden catch we need to be cautious about.

Continue reading

PHP Internals News: Episode 82: Auto-Capturing Multi-Statement Closures – Derick Rethans

PHP Internals News: Episode 82: Auto-Capturing Multi-Statement Closures

In this episode of “PHP Internals News” I chat with Larry Garfield (Twitter) and Nuno Maduro (Twitter, GitHub, Blog) about the “Auto-Capturing Multi-Statement Closures” RFC.

The RSS feed for this podcast is, you can download this episode’s MP3 file, and it’s available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website:


Derick Rethans 0:14

Hi, I’m Derick. Welcome to PHP internals news, a podcast dedicated to explaining the latest developments in the PHP language. This is episode 82. Today I’m talking with Nuno Maduro and Larry Garfield. Nuno, would you please introduce yourself?

Nuno Maduro 0:30

Hi PHP developers. My name is Nuno Maduro, and I am software engineer at Laravel, the company that owns the Laravel framework, and I have created multiple open source projects for the PHP community, such as Pest PHP, Laravel zero, collusion and more.

Derick Rethans 0:48

Alright, and Larry, could you please follow up on that.

Larry Garfield 0:51

Hello world, so I’m Larry Garfield. You may know me from several past podcasts here, various work in the PHP fig, and all around gadfly and nudge of the PHP community.

Derick Rethans 1:03

Good to have you again Larry and good to have you here today, Nuno. The RFC, that we’re talking about here today is to do with closures, and the title of the RFC is auto capturing multi statement closures, which is quite a mouthful. Can one of you explain what this RFC is about?

Nuno Maduro 1:20

As you said, the RFC title is indeed auto capturing multi statement closures. But to make it simple, we are really talking about adding multi line support to the one line arrow functions that got introduced it, in PHP 7.4. Now, this new multi line arrow functions have exactly the same features as the one line arrow functions, so they are anonymous, locally available functions; variables are auto captured lexically meaning that you don’t actually need the use keyword to manually import the use of variables, they just get auto captured from the outer scope. And the only difference really is one line arrow functions have a body with a single expression. This RFC actually allows you to use a full statement list that possibly ends with a return.

Derick Rethans 2:18

Excellent, what the syntax that you’re proposing here?

Nuno Maduro 2:22

Well, as you may know, one line arrow functions have the syntax, which is fn, parameter list, and then that arrow expression thing, and this new RFC proposes that, optionally, developers can pass a curly brackets with statements, instead of having that arrow expression syntax. Now, this curly brackets with statements, simply denotes a statement list that potentially ends with a return. Concerning the Auto Capture syntax, we will be just reusing the Auto Capture syntax and feature that already exists on one line arrow functions, meaning that you don’t need the use keyword to manually import variables. And of course, the syntax itself, in the in the feature, works the exactly same way. Concerning the syntax, it’s also important to mention that this RFC was done in combination with the short functions RFC from Larry, but I think I’m going to let Larry speak about that later on this episode.

Derick Rethans 3:26

What’s the main idea behind wanting to introduce this auto capture m

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PHP Internals News: Episode 81: noreturn type – Derick Rethans

PHP Internals News: Episode 81: noreturn type

In this episode of “PHP Internals News” I chat with Matthew Brown (Twitter) and Ondřej Mirtes (Twitter) about the “noreturn type” RFC.

The RSS feed for this podcast is, you can download this episode’s MP3 file, and it’s available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website:


Derick Rethans 0:15

Hi I’m Derick. Welcome to PHP internals news, a podcast dedicated to explaining the latest developments in the PHP language. This is episode 81. Today I’m talking with Matt Brown, the author of Psalm and Ondřej Mirtes, the author of PHPStan, about an RFC that I propose to alter the noreturn type. Matt, would you please introduce yourself?

Matthew Brown 0:37

Hi, I’m Matthew Brown, Matt, I live in New York, I’m from the UK. I work at a company called Vimeo, and I’ve been working with for the past six years on a static analysis tool called Psalm, which is my primary entry into the PHP world, and I, along with Ondřej authored this noreturn RFC.

Derick Rethans 1:01

Alright Ondřej, would you please introduce yourself too?

Ondřej Mirtes 1:04

Okay, I’m Ondřej Mirtes, and I’m from the Czech Republic, and I currently live in Prague or on the suburbs of Prague, and I’ve been developing software in PHP for about 15 years now. I’ve also been speaking at international conferences for the past five years before the world was still alright. In 2016, I released PHPStan, open source static analyser focused on finding bugs in PHP code basis. And somehow, I found a way to make a living doing that so now I’m full time open source developer, and also father to two little boys.

Derick Rethans 1:35

Glad to have you both here. We’re talking about something that clearly is going to play together with static analysers. Hence, I found this quite interesting to see to have two competitive projects, or are the competitive, or are the cooperative.

Matthew Brown 1:56

I think half and half.

Derick Rethans 1:57

Half and half. Okay.

Ondřej Mirtes 1:59

Competition is a weird concept in open source where everything is released for free here that

Derick Rethans 2:04

That’s certainly true, but you said you’re making your living out of it now so maybe there was something going on that I’m not aware of. In any case, we should probably chat about the RFC itself. What’s the reason why you’re wanting to add to the noreturn type?

Ondřej Mirtes 2:18

I’m going to start with a little bit of a detour, because in recent PHP development, it has been a trend to add the abilities to express various types natively, in in the language syntax. These types, always originally appeared in PHP docs for documentation reasons, IDE auto completion, and later were also used, and were being related with static analysis tools. This trend of moving PHP doc types tonight this type started probably with PHP seven that added scalar type hint. PHP 7.1 added void, and nullable type hints, 7.2 added object type, 7.4 added typed properties. And finally, PHP, 8.0 added union types. Right now to PHP community, most likely waits for someone to implement the generics and intersection types, which are also widely adopted in PHP docs, but there’s also a noreturn, a little bit more subtle concept, that would also benefit from being in the language. It marks functions and methods that always throw an exception, or always exit, or ent

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Grauphel: Seeking new maintainer or funding – Christian Weiske

In 2014 I wrote grauphel, a owncloud/Nextcloud extension that allows you to synchronize notes between Tomboy (Linux, Windows), Tomdroid (Android) and Conboy (Nokia N900 – Maemo).

I personally do not use grauphel anymore and thus have no reason to maintain it any longer. For each Nextcloud release it must be tested, updated and re-released. Big changes are necessary to make it compatible with Nextcloud 21 as well.

The last real changes to grauphel were done in 2018 (version 0.7.0), and since then the changes were only to make it compatible with Nextcloud 15…20. The application itself is complete since 4 years, but unfortunately the foundations are constantly moving.

The original grauphel was a standalone application, but I converted it to a owncloud/nextcloud extension so that I can rely on its login and user management. From today’s perspective this was a mistake; a standalone version would still work today and not require unnecessary maintenance.

I’d like to hand grauphel over to a new maintainer that keeps it compatible with the latest Nextcloud versions.

Alternatively, I could make a standalone version of grauphel that works without Nextcloud if I get money to work on this task – 1000€.

Please write a comment in the issue on github if you’d like to take over the project, or how much you’re willing to contribute to the standalone version’s fund.

Ketting 7 released – Evert Pot

We just released version 7 of Ketting. Ketting is a generic HATEOAS
client for Javascript.

A whole bunch of features have been added since September. We’ve been
testing Ketting 7 in beta since January, so I’m excited to get this out
the door.

I’ve been working on this project since 2016. Normally, I would expect a
project like this to get a little stale. For me personally, the opposite
has been true and using Ketting (especially with React) is starting to feel
a bit like a paradigm shift.

Read on to see what’s new!

What is Ketting?

In short: Ketting is a generic REST client for Javascript. You can use it for
pushing JSON objects via HTTP, but the richer your API is in terms of best
practices and standard formats, the more it can automatically do for you.

It has support for Hypermedia formats such as HAL, Siren, Collection+JSON,
JSON:API and can even understand and follow links from html.

In the past it was not uncommon to hear that HATEOAS is lacking a good generic
client. If you are a Javascript/Typescript user this is no longer true.

More information can be found on the Github page.

What’s new?

Better HAL-Forms support

HAL-Forms is an extension of HAL, and adds support for ‘actions’ or
‘forms’, similar to what the <form> tag is to html.

Since the start of the year HAL-Forms has seen major updates, which was a
collaborative effort by several people from projects in the HAL community
(including Spring HATEOAS and yours truly) and lead by it’s author
Mike Amudsen.

Spring HATEOAS released its HAL-Forms updates in version 1.3 M2 (unclear
if this is a stable release or not), and Ketting follows today.

Major new features in HAL-Forms include:

  • Support for lookups
    • Example use-case is rendering dropdowns/comboboxes.
    • The list of possible options can either be provided in-line or via an
      external resource.
    • JSON and text/csv is support for external resources.
  • Support for most of the html5 input types, such as checkbox, color,
    tel, email, textarea, etc.
  • Support for many of the field attributes that also exist in html5 form
    fields, such as placeholder, min, max, step, cols, rows, and
  • Support for a form target. Previously this could also be supplied via
    the URI.
  • Support for multiple forms per document.

React bindings: <RequireLogin>

(note: all of the new react-ketting features were backported to Ketting 6)

react-ketting now has a RequireLogin component, that can be use to handle
the OAuth2 authorization_code flow in React applications.

Example usage:

function MyApp() { return <RequireLogin clientId="my-oauth2-client-id" authorizeEndpoint="https

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Bedrock for modern WordPress development –

WordPress is the legacy content management system. It’s remained tremendously popular since its release in 2003 for the power it gives users to quickly put together a website with tools that offer them real, intuitive control over their content. That popularity has both inspired and depended upon constant modernization efforts by WordPress fans. The latest project to keep the classic CMS clicking two decades after its birth is Bedrock, an effort to turn WordPress into a Twelve-Factor app by the folks at Roots.